5 Common Reasons to Upgrade Home Security

5 Common Reasons to Upgrade Home Security


The level and type of home security you need are determined by your current location, neighborhood, and lifestyle. This is to say that, your security needs are bound to change as you grow older, invest more and as your family grows. Some systems may lose their reliability and accuracy with time with older technologies. But, how do you tell that it is time to upgrade your security system? Below are milestones to watch out for. 

When living alone

In most cases, people start living alone after college. It is common to have roommates in college and then transition to the single independent life immediately after completing your degree. when you are living alone you should invest/upgrade to a more reliable home security system. But why invest in a more expensive security system yet you are living alone? You do this on account that you have just moved to your first real home and almost all your electronic and household appliances are new. As well as, this is the time when you have “enough” money to buy the best home theater system or latest flat screen TV that a burglar could get good quick money off of. 

Also, people tend to be more social and ready to explore the world through traveling when living alone. You have a lot of time that you prefer to spend outside the house. So, it is important to invest in a security system that monitors your home when you are away and you can get a live feed from. Ensure that you can manage the system through your mobile devices and watch live feeds. 

After moving in with your partner

Your home security needs will definitely change after you move in with your partner. You have an extra person to protect. Moreover, it is common for couples to sell their old appliances and furniture with the aim of buying new ones when moving in together. So, you could have new electronics and appliances. Hence the need to protect your new investment as you enjoy time out relaxing with your partner. Shop together to find the perfect security system that will support your life together, set unique access codes together and control security from your mobile devices.

When your family starts growing

The safety of your children especially when they are toddlers and under a nannies care cannot be underestimated. You need to be sure that your babies are safe in their home. This calls for upgrading of your security system to provide a safe home for your children to play, spend the day and sleep. Video surveillance cameras and baby monitors would come in handy. You can remotely view how your babies spend their day with the nanny.

After relocating

Relocating to a new house and neighborhood means that you encounter different security gaps and concerns. So, you may have to reconfigure your current system or invest in the right home security system for your new safety concerns. A relocation means a different lifestyle that must be protected with a system that is equipped and appropriate for the lifestyle. 

After retiring 

After retirement, all you want is a peaceful environment to enjoy your retirement benefits and relax. You strive to live independently without worry, but burglars do not always make it easy. They view senior citizens as easy targets. So, invest in a personal emergency response system that will dispatch security or medical personnel immediately when you send a request, control your home’s security from your mobile device and allow your children or caretakers to monitor your security. 


Every new milestone in life signifies the need for home security. As your responsibilities change or increase, so should your security measures. 
