About Carbon Monoxide Safety


Though there are numerous and affordable carbon monoxide alarm brands in the market today, not every home has installed a CO alarm or understands the risks associated with CO inhalation despite the many home safety campaigns. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is often referred to as the silent killer. It develops when fuels such charcoal, wood, gasoline, and natural gasses do not burn completely. That said, most of the appliances in our homes today such as cooking and heating appliances produce carbon monoxide. Though the amount produced is often minimal, you must install a CO detector in your home and in rooms with such appliances if possible. 

Dangers of Carbon monoxide exposure

The dangers associated with exposure to carbon monoxide range from mild to severe to deadly. But, its effects depend on different variables like your health, physical condition, age, heart diseases and pregnancy. People with these conditions can be adversely affected by minimal exposure to carbon monoxide. 

Small carbon monoxide amounts can poison you over a long period of time or large amounts over a short period of time. The bottom line is, there is a certain amount of CO inhalation that the human body cannot stand. Once inhaled in excess, it causes symptoms such as; sudden and unexplained body weakness, dizziness, confusion, dull headache, vomiting, shortness of breath, and loss or consciousness just to mention a few. 

CO home safety tips

The best way to ensure CO home safety is by installing CO detectors. Every floor should have a CO alarm that should be installed at a central location, in sleeping areas as well as near all areas required by laws, standards or codes. But, it is advisable to install a CO alarm in your garage and basement. For maximum protection, ensure that the CO alarms are interconnected such that, when one goes off, they all go off. 

To avoid malfunction due to improper installation, follow the manufacturer’s instructions about installation methods and heights to the latter. A simple mistake can cost your life or that of your loved one. Also, test the CO immediately after installation to ensure that it is fully functional. 

If possible, go for room sealed appliances. Room sealed appliances source combustion air from outside and discharge their emissions outside as well. This means that the air in the house is never altered when appliances are in use. 

Inspect and maintain your CO alarms regularly. You have invested in a high-end CO detector, but it is also prone to wear and tear. This means that it is bound to lose its efficiency with time. Hence the need to inspect and maintain them from time to time. 


Carbon monoxide is a silent killer that must be avoided at all cost especially among homeowners who have kids. Kids barely understand the need for some home appliances, but they have to know how an emergency alarm would sound like and their immediate reaction.
