Benefits of Using an Automated Light System in Your Home

Benefits of Using an Automated Light System in Your Home

Benefits of Using an Automated Light System in Your Home .jpg

As humans, we enjoy making things as convenient as possible for ourselves. While this seems a little lazy, utilizing this thinking in your home can save you money as well as improve your quality of living. In an effort to increase convenience and conserve energy, many homeowners are turning to automated lighting systems. Every day the trend of home automation becomes more popular. In case you haven’t heard much about home automation or you don’t know anyone who has it in their home, below are seven main benefits to installing automated lights in your home.

  1. Virtually every light in your home can be automated, including those on the outside. So once you’ve automated the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and more, be sure to include the patio and porch lights. Automating your home’s outdoor lights will add to your convenience and safety.
  2. Because automated lights can be set on a customized timer, you’ll enjoy increased comfort within your own home. Automated lighting systems from Lutron, for example, allow you to define usage in certain rooms when you create specific living zones. These lighting control systems are completely customizable to your family’s needs, which makes them worth it in the long run.
  3. When you integrated an automated lighting system in your home, you’ll increase its elegance. Today’s lighting control systems are as attractive as they are affordable, which means you won’t have to put up with ugly, bulky lights in order to have an automatic system.
  4. Many homeowners today are concerned about their environmental impact, which is why so many people are looking into incorporating light control systems in their homes. By replacing your manual lights, you’ll reduce your energy usage, therefore impacting the world in a positive way. 
  5. In addition to decreasing your home’s environmental impact, you’ll save money thanks to you lighting control system. If you install the Lutron Radio RA2 system, for instance, you’ll automatically save 8% on your electric bill. You’ll also discover that the life of your light bulbs will increase by at least 150%. And if you elect to dim your bulbs, they’ll last even longer, which saves you more cash. If you install a Lutron dimmer in your home, you’ll enjoy a savings of up to $30 per year per light, which can add up to significant savings!
  6. Though light control systems are impressive and seem like really advanced technology, they’re very easy to program, maintain, and change. Thanks to your system’s master controller and hand controllers, you’ll enjoy complete control over your light control system. In most cases, you can even use your iPhone or iPad to program your lights.
  7. Another great feature of your light control systems is that it can be combined with other automated systems. To further reduce energy costs, be sure to install a motorized shading system that will automatically adjust to your preferred settings throughout the day.

In conclusion, you’ll enjoy many benefits when you install a lighting control system in your home. Enjoy the power that comes with customizing your system to meet your family’s needs, decrease your environmental impact, save money, and combine your light control system with other automated systems.
