Honeywell Security Systems: Video Monitoring and Protecting Your Outdoors

Honeywell Security Systems: Video Monitoring and Protecting Your Outdoors


When you choose to install a Honeywell security system, you get so much more than enhanced safety of your family and property. With your system, you can have 24/7 access to everything you could possibly need. 

As homeowners, we try to see the best in our neighborhood and those who enter our homes for one reason or another, but when push comes to shove and we need a little added peace of mind, a Honeywell system is the perfect choice.

Whether you’re in the process of having your system installed or you’re still researching which system is best for you, here are some things you can use your Honeywell system for that you might not have considered yet:

Monitor the outdoors - One of the main reasons for investing in a Honeywell security system is to ensure your home remains safe even when you’re not there. But did you know that a Honeywell system can monitor the outside of your home just as much as the inside? Video monitoring features can be extended to gates, sheds, patios, and pools on your property. If anything gets triggered when the system is alarmed, the authorities can be there in minutes.

Check on the kids - Whether you’re away on a business trip and you’re checking in on your teenagers (hey, it never hurts, right?) or you’re stuck at work, your Honeywell system will allow you to do so. All you have to do is open up your smartphone and you’ll have peace of mind in no time.

Keep an eye on contractors - If you have contractors on the property and can’t take time off work to be there, use your system to see how things are going. Even if you’re not actively watching the cameras, you can pull up the footage to see what happened if anything gets damaged, go missing, or constructed wrong.

See if the babysitter is okay - Are you headed out but the baby is a bit fussy because of a cold? When you get a free moment to check your phone in the middle of your night out, use your system to check on the babysitter. With video monitoring features, you can easily offer assistance if the babysitter calls you because of a fire or suspicious activity outside.

Watch your pet - Don’t we all want to know what our pets do while we’re away? Use your system to make sure Fido is okay, especially if he’s an older dog or hasn’t been feeling well lately. 

Keep elderly relatives safe - Do you have an elderly parent or relative at home that you’re worried about? The video monitoring feature of your Honeywell security system will allow you to check on them from your web-enabled device. With your Total Connect Video services, you’ll receive notifications and pictures of activities as they occur. You can also count on your system to view video in low light and dark environments. 

You should also know that your Honeywell system will also let you control the following in real-time: 

Should you have questions about utilizing the video or outdoor monitoring features of your security system, be sure to contact us today. 
