Keeping Teen Drivers Safe


Teens are adventurous; their new status grants them slight freedom and right to try a few things like driving. Unfortunately, teens do not always know how to stay safe. They want to act like supernatural movie stars when driving without knowing that it’s risky and deadly. On average, at least six teenagers die daily due to car accidents. No parent would want their child to be part of this statistics. Yet, it is impossible to prevent your teen from driving. So, what do you do to keep your teen drivers safe?

Use your seat belt

Train your teen always to buckle up when driving or being driven by using the seat belt yourself. As children grow, they learn from their parent's actions. So, it would be hard for a teen to wear a seat belt if they never saw their parents wear one. Learn to wear a seat belt always to train your kids the same.

Come up with a family rule to discourage drunk driving

Note that, there is no safe or recommended amount of alcohol that any teen can drink and drive soundly. Teenagers are inexperienced drivers meaning that they have a higher chance of causing accidents. So, discourage them from driving while drunk because it is not safe and it is against the law. Also, make sure you do not drink and drive. Teenagers who grow up seeing their parents drive when drunk are more likely to do the same. 

Limit the number of passengers

Have strict limitations on the number of passengers your teen can have with them. If your teen carries excess passengers, it means that no seat belts will be worn. Moreover, more male passengers are directly associated with higher accident risks. 

Discourage phone distractions when driving

Any distraction that gets the driver’s attention from the road is a risk for passengers and everyone around the car. Train your teenagers to keep phones away when driving and again, lead by example. 

Discourage speeding

Preventing a teen from over speeding may be hard. They derive joy from over speeding and assuming the role of Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious. Make sure they understand the risks associated with over speeding and emphasize on adhering to speed limits. 

Nighttime driving

Most car accidents whether teen or adult related, happen at night. Night driving requires experience because not all signs and objects are visible. Train and supervise your teenagers thoroughly before allowing them to drive at night. Also, discourage night driving when it’s stormy. 

Encourage them to speak when they feel unsafe on the road

Some teenagers are afraid of speaking up when they feel unsafe on the roads. This could happen when they are riding with their parents or when they are driving. Fear can prompt them to make irrational decisions that may lead to accidents. They may not also be brave enough to drive under different conditions. So, encourage your teenagers to speak up when feeling unsafe and seek advice from you on how to deal with their fear. 


Though teenagers may seem arrogant, they listen to their parents. They may not always act as they care about what you tell them, but they do. As a parent, you not only have the duty to ensure home safety for your children but also driving safety. But, it starts with you being a good example.
