Smart Home Automation Remote Services

Smart Home Automation Remote Services


Home automation is a unique home security measure because it offers remote security and control services. Despite your location, you can control your home, security system and most importantly receive alerts on your smart gadgets. The alerts can be in the form of emails, live video feeds or recordings. So, you have your home in your pocket or handbag. 

Remote services

Manage and control your security system from any location

With Honeywell home automation products, the secret is to have Z-wave enabled products in your home. From locks to shades, thermostats, and lights. You can control all Z-wave enabled products and home features from anywhere even when on vacation in Africa. As noted above, you receive notifications remotely when suspicious events occur in or around your home. The notifications are sent via text messaging, video alerts or emails. For instance, you can receive a notification once a delivery arrives, or an unexpected visitors arrives. The remote control feature allows you monitor your children especially teenagers when you are away. They are notorious for throwing parties when parents are on business trips. If such a scenario is in progress, you can send an adult to sit in with your children or cancel the event. You can also monitor your valuable objects to know when they are moved and take immediate action.

Remote video viewing

You remain informed about the activities taking place in your home when at work or away. You simply use the Tuxedo Touch 7-inch screen to view live feeds of the inside and outside of your home. You monitor your elderly relatives, toddlers and their caregivers. You check whether the baby is fed on time and whether the nanny follows your instructions. You also monitor vulnerable areas such as the front doors, backyards and the pool area. The screen allows you to view up to four camera feeds concurrently meaning that you can monitor activities in different parts of your home at the same time. 

Remote lighting and locks control

Most homeowners purchase the home automation system to enjoy its remote lighting and lock control feature. The feature allows you to alert the lights in your home as a way of depicting occupation when you are away. This feature is great especially for people who like to travel and live in relatively insecure areas. Thieves will monitor a home before striking. So, if they notice that your home has not been lite for a while, they will know you are away and plan an attack. So, illuminate the lights ate different parts of the house at night to insinuate activity. The smart locks technology allows you to unlock and lock your doors remotely. So, when a delivery arrives, and you are not home, you can unlock the front door for the package to be delivered inside the house. 

Above are just a few example of how the remote home automation and security technology works. With the right support team and understanding of the system, you are sure to enjoy your home automation system. 
