What Renters Need in a Home Security System

What Renters Need in a Home Security System

What Renters Need in a Home Security System.jpg

Home safety is a major concern for both homeowners and renters. As a matter of fact, renters are more prone to burglaries as compared to homeowners. It is highly recommended for renters to invest in home security systems. However, there are specific home security systems that are designed for renters. This is because renters have varying home safety concerns and move from apartment to apartment before settling down. Here are some of the features you should consider when shopping for a renters home security system.

Wireless systems

As a renter, you must adhere to the rules set by your landlord. A common rule is; drilling holes on walls is not allowed. Meaning that you cannot run system wires through the walls. So, wireless security systems are handy for renters. They are easy to install and more reliable as compared to wired security systems. Also, you can disconnect and pack your wireless security system when moving to a new apartment and reinstall it with ease. 

DIY installation

Go for a security system that you can install yourself as the wireless system noted above. Wireless systems not only eliminates the initial installation fees but also the un-installation fees when you will be moving. These systems are designed in a way that does not require expert knowledge or experience to get the job done. Also, based on the company you choose, you can be provided with step by step guidelines and videos on how to install the security system. 

Smaller security systems

Apartments are not as big as homes. Most have one door and just a few windows. As such, you do not need a complicated or big security system. A basic security system that notifies you when the door or windows are opened should be enough. 

System ownership

Some security companies will give you a security system free if you pay monitoring and installation fees. But, the companies retain ownership of the security system. Meaning that you may not be allowed to carry the security system when moving to a different location. So, before buying a security system find out who retains ownership rights. 

Security cameras

Some home security systems come with cameras. However, they can also be bought separately. Security cameras are easily integrated with monitoring apps so that you receive real-time feeds about events taking place in your home. 

Door locks

Landlords are required to change door locks before changing tenants. However, this does not always happen. As a new tenant, you may be sure whether or not an extra key is available and with the wrong person. So, it is important to seek permission from your landlord to change door locks or install higher quality door locks. 


Whether leaving in an apartment or own home, you have valuables to protect. Hence home safety should be a top priority that must be implemented with care. Take time to study your apartment and determine its security gaps before shopping for a security system. Apart from following the above features, go for a security system that addresses your unique security needs.
